Your child can learn to read with phonics!

One of the Simplest Online Phonics Reading Programs for You and Your Child

learn to read with phonics with a nurturing approach

Minimize screen time—no guilt!

Build self-esteem

Special time with your child—cozy!

Includes everything you need to teach your child to read

Take charge of your child's education

Only 6 STEPS—easy for you

​”Our youngest daughter was three when we started her on the program. By the time she started kindergarten, she was reading on a second grade level. We have an older daughter in the fifth grade who has difficulty reading, and we only wish that we could have had the opportunity to use this with her.” –Gary E., DDS

Learn to Read with Phonics. Start Now!

Teach Your Child to Read is a 6-STEP, easy-to-use, online reading program for you to teach your child phonics at home. The simple lessons in this program take only 5 minutes a day, so as a busy parent, you can easily squeeze them in.

Looking for an easy to use phonics reading program?
Start today, and you’ll be amazed how quickly your child will be reading bedtime stories to you.

dad teaches son phonics

Watch this [3 min.] sample lesson.
(Make sure your volume is on!)

Learn to Read with Phonics—It’s Easy!

​Not sure you know how to teach your child to read with phonics? Watch the sample lesson, and you’ll see how easy it is.

In this sample lesson video, you’ll learn how to teach STEP 1. In STEP 2, your child will learn how to sound out words, which means your child will actually learn how to read.

By STEP 6, you’ll be amazed at what a proficient reader your child has become and how quickly you got there! ​Your child can learn to read with phonics—and you can teach it.


“I looked over your program when my son was napping and the instructions are great! [The program] is really well thought out and very clear before you go to the first lesson.” –Leah Joy L., home-based business owner​

Here’s What You Get with Our Online Reading Phonics Program:

  • Forever access, no subscription
  • 100% interactive online phonics program, no passive learning
  • Audio guide throughout the entire phonics program to help you conduct lessons and pronounce sounds correctly
  • Simple, quick audio/visual 5 minute lessons
  • Sample lesson videos to show you EXACTLY what to do
  • Quick check for your child's readiness to move to each next step
  • Smart tips for the teacher (you!) to make teaching fun for you AND your child
  • 10 fun, simply-illustrated e-storybooks for your new reader to read aloud to you. (It's difficult to find easy-readers like these online.)
  • Access to the phonics program through desktop, laptop, or tablet
  • Child-centered approach that lets your child set the pace

Listen to Creator and Developer Mary Follin Describe How It Works (2 min, 45 sec)

“I wish I had started with this great phonics program a year ago. Mary Follin’s uncomplicated approach rapidly develops a child’s reading confidence.” — Clarence H., Journalist

girl learn to read with phonics

Why Should Your Child Learn to Read with Phonics?

If you’re reading this page, you know phonics, even if you don’t remember learning it as a child. Many people quickly learn to recognize patterns in words (phonics!) and use those patterns to decipher words they don’t know.

But some children have a harder time recognizing patterns, which is why teaching children how to ‘decode’ the English language is so critical. (Read the highlights from the phonics vs sight reading insights.)

A phonics-based approach teaches the building blocks—the sounds and rules—of the English language. Your child must be familiar with these building blocks to effectively ‘sound out’ words they don’t know. Research tells us that phonics is the best way to teach children to read, so why not make sure your child learns to read with phonics?

Best Way To Teach Reading Tips!
We know that parents have busy schedules. Learn tips on the best way to teach reading with fun and relaxed techniques.


“We used your program for the first time tonight and I had a hard time limiting my daughter to one letter! As a former teacher, I’m excited to have a fun tool for teaching phonics to my daughter.” –Fran M., former teacher

Try Teach Your Child to Read FREE for 7 Days.

“I just started the program this evening with Charlotte. Not realizing what to expect, I was impressed with the simplicity of the initial instructions of how the program works. It was comforting in a way to not be reading a “textbooky” guide on how to teach your kids to read and even reminded me of how my mother taught me to read, a very welcoming invitation off the bat.

As a working mother, it’s hard to find enough quality time with your children, so with just 5 minutes a day, this is such an easy exercise to incorporate into their routine. Charlotte was very eager to try the sounds on her own after a walkthrough of the first couple…she’s already looking forward to tomorrow!

— Monica D. engineering project manager

“My husband has already started using the program with our daughter-it’s great!”

—Karla H

“I am very excited about Mary Follin’s reading program. I have introduced the program to my four- year-old son and I am amazed at the progress he has made already”

—D. N., Preschool Teacher

“My family loves your program, and of course, I think phonics is the answer “

—Caryl D

“I just want to say thanks a million times for my daughter’s success in reading English. She is #1 in her class in kindergarten.”

—Bhupendra A.

“This is terrific-it gives me a way to help my daughter learn to read–something I was simply unsure about doing on my own”

—Susan G.

“Your program is excellent!”

—Anne Marie W

“My son has been moving along by leaps and bounds. I don’t hesitate to recommend it to my friends”

—Debra B.

“I am extremely satisfied with my daughter’s progress using your program. She is thrilled to be reading and it provides us with a very important activity that the two of us can share”

—Beth O

“I am a teacher in 7th grade math using this program to teach my grandchildren. They love it!”

—Karen. M. Lakehurst, NJ

Learn to Read with Phonics and Take Charge of Your Child’s Education

​As a parent, it’s natural to worry about your child’s education. We all want our children to thrive in school or in their homeschool lessons so they can enjoy the process of learning.

A capacity for learning keeps the stress levels lower and prepares children to grow into happy, functioning adults.

While there are many factors that contribute to a child’s ability to perform well, reading is one of the most important. 

By teaching reading at home, you’re taking charge of your child’s education and making sure they learn this important skill. Rather than ‘hoping’ they catch on, you can know with certainty they will.

Kristen’s Story

It worked great for my 6 year old! We actually purchased the program after her baseline reading assessment for kindergarten—she was in the 43% (not terrible)—but we wanted to help her. After a few months of the program she was up to the 98% at their reassessment mark.

We started it a few months ago and honestly, we weren’t as consistent with it as we should have been. But she responded very well to it and was able to read all the practice books the other night. We are working on it with my 4 year old, but his attention span is much different so we’re finding a new pace for him.

I had no idea where to start with helping my daughter, so I was happy to find this program.” —Kristen G., Family Nurse Practitioner, East Greenwich, RI, 

Try Teach Your Child to Read FREE for 7 Days.

learn to read with phonics with games

Learn to Read with Phonics and Minimize Screen Time

Many parents are concerned about the amount of time their children spend in front of screens. As our modern world continues to rely more heavily on digital information, the time your child spends on screens will only increase.

By choosing Teach Your Child to Read, you will spend no more than 5 minutes a day on-screen as you progress through the lessons.

Your lessons will quickly move ‘off screen’ and into real life: scribbling on napkins in restaurants, reading road signs in the car, and sounding out words in books at the library—a much healthier way to experience the world!

“I am extremely satisfied with my daughter’s progress using your program. She is thrilled to be reading and it provides us with a very important activity that the two of us can share.”—Beth O.

Learn to Read with Phonics and Encourage Proactive Learning

In many online reading programs, children simply follow a given path, game, or set of instructions, passively learning and being entertained.

What many parents like about Teach Your Child to Read is that your child will learn how to learn. As an active participant in each lesson, your child will feel empowered to develop their own skills, a characteristic that sets the stage for a lifelong habit of pursuing whatever they’re curious about.

Easy Phonics Lessons For Kindergarten Ages and Phonics for Preschoolers

Phonics lessons can start between 3-6 years of age. Lessons for kindergarten students are quick and simple to learn. Our program is also appropriate phonics for preschoolers—or even earlier, if your child is starting to show interest in books. (Read a few tips and prompts for teaching toddlers phonics to build on this natural curiosity.)

We have used [the program] as little as 4 times and we are already on Step 2.  It’s very easy to use, and my daughter looks forward to the little extra one-on-one time.” Elise G., higher education academic advisor

How to Choose a Phonics Reading Program

To help your child learn to read with phonics, you will want a phonics reading program that matches your child’s learning style. If your child is between the ages of 3 to 6, be sure to evaluate each program for the following:

“I looked at a number of different early learning/phonics programs for my son, now three and a half years old, and was very excited to find ‘Teach Your Child To Read.’ The program is well designed and tastefully implemented. I’m looking forward to adding a few minutes a day with it to our favorite activities together and watching my kid become a competent and enthusiastic reader!”
​–Andrew P., Ed-tech startup founder, Sunlark

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the program easy to use?
Yes! You will find it extremely intuitive to work your way through the program, and each lesson has a sample lesson to show you how it works.
How much do I need to know about phonics to use the program?
You know everything you need to know about phonics to use Teach Your Child to Read. English is a phonetic language, so you use phonics every time you read—whether you were taught that way or not. If you weren’t taught to read with phonics, you will be surprised how easy phonics is as soon as you begin the program. If you’re someone who is well-versed in phonics, you will quickly see how the program offers a strong foundation of phonics for your child.
What if I don’t know how to pronounce the phonetic sounds?
Don’t worry—most people don’t know how to pronounce phonetic sounds individually. The program has an audio component that will pronounce the sounds for you.
Does the program really only take 5 minutes a day? I mean, really?

Yes! Your child’s reading instruction has been broken down into 5-minute micro-lessons in the program. In fact, rather than spending a lot of time on the program, you will find that your child starts applying what they learn in the real world—reading street signs, menus, and ultimately beginner books.

Kids love learning, which often means they get frustrated when the lessons end so quickly. Leaving your child wanting more is a great strategy—they’ll be eager to pick up where you left off in the next lesson!

How will I know if my child is progressing?
Teach Your Child to Read is a 6-Step program. After each step, you will see an easy ‘check’ for readiness to move on to the next step. After completing Step 6 and the two bonus lessons, you’re done! At that point, your child will be ready to go to the library and check out books to read.
Does the program work for preschoolers?

Teach Your Child to Read works great for preschoolers! The lessons are really short, so your child doesn’t need a long attention span. The beauty of starting lessons in preschool is that most children will be confident readers by the time they start first grade. You have plenty of time!

Does the program work for kindergarteners and 1st graders?
What parents love about Teach Your Child to Read is that the lessons are so short, their child doesn’t feel burden by ‘extra work’ after spending the day in school.

The standards for kindergarten are more rigorous than they used to be, so your 5-minute-a-day routine at home will help your child excel in school—in kindergarten and beyond.

And if you start the program at the beginning of 1st grade, your simple, 5-minute-a-day lessons will be like rocket boosters for the instruction your child is getting in school.

Does the program work for older children who are struggling to learn to read?
Often times, yes. If your child is not learning to read with phonics in school, your 5-minute-a-day lessons at home will teach them the ‘keycode’ to phonics they aren’t getting in school. However, if your child continues to struggle after working with the program for a few months, you will want to ask a reading specialist to help you determine whether or not there are other learning issues your child is dealing with.
How does the 7-Day Free Trial work?
As soon as you place your order, your 7-Day free trial begins. Seven days from the moment you place your order, your credit card will be charged. If within that 7-day period you decide the program isn’t right for you, you can cancel the program by choosing ‘cancel’ in the upper right corner of the main menu. If you cancel the program, your card will not be charged.
Why should I teach my child to read?

Parents who teach their children to read find this accomplishment provides a lifelong sense of reward—the heart kind! Because you took charge of your child’s education early on, your child will turn to you as ‘teacher’ in many things—even when they’ve grown and gone.

Teaching your child such a valuable skill is something the two of you will always cherish, and together, you will forever reminisce about this precious time you spend together.

What devices can I use the program on?
Teach Your Child to Read works on desktops, tablets, and laptops. We’re currently working on adding cell phones to this list so that wherever you go, the program goes with you!
How much does it cost? Is it a subscription-based program?
Teach Your Child to Read is not a subscription-based program. For a one-time fee of $69.95, you get forever access to the program.

Teach your child to read in 5 minutes a day.

​We believe YOU are the best judge of which program is right for your family, which is why we are offering you a 7-DAY FREE TRIAL. Within minutes, you will see how easy the program is to use and how quickly you can get started. You will love teaching your child to read!

Your Child Can Learn to Read with Phonics!

mary follin headshot
Founder and developer Mary Follin started her career as a systems engineer with IBM. In that capacity, she wrote software manuals to help make complex systems easy to understand and use. Over the course of her career, she has worked in product development, product innovation, market research, and marketing consulting.

​Beyond creating Teach Your Child to Read, she is also the author of Ethyr, winner of the Moonbeam Children’s Book Award and the Gertrude Warner Book Award, and a regular contributor to on the subject of children’s literacy. ​

​Mary also writes, along with Erika Guerrero, a feature column in Fredericksburg Parent & Family. Titled ASK MOM, the column offers parenting advice and was recognized by the Parenting Media Association with a 2021 award. ​​ ​​​​

Photo Credits: Pexels, Unsplash

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