How To Teach My Kid To Read? [Hint: Keep It Simple With These 6 Steps]

by Mary Follin

Here’s a nagging thought that might resonate with you : “I really need to learn how to teach my kid to read.” And with good reason! Now that the 2020-2021 school year is more than half-way through, many parents of kindergarten and first-grade children are alarmed at how ‘behind’ their children seem to be.

For starters, keep in mind that this has been the most chaotic school year the entire globe has ever seen. Recognize the effort you and your child have made to keep the learning going, despite the switch to online, staggered attendance, and lack of contact with a teacher. Reflect on what you’ve done and congratulate yourself. You deserve it.

And remind yourself that the next school year will most likely unfold a lot better than this one did.

But until then, here’s an idea for you. Teach Your Child to Readis a gentle, 5-minute-a-day approach to teaching a young child to read. If reading lessons have been causing tremendous anxiety in your home, you might want to switch to this more nurturing approach. In tiny, tiny ‘micro-lessons,’ your child can develop some amazing reading skills well before heading back to school in the fall.

All it takes is a commitment on your part to follow our 6 easy steps. Just six, And because lessons are so short (you can even do them standing up or ‘on the go’), your child will be far more willing to follow along.

How to Teach My Kid to Read, You Ask? Try This Simple Reading Program Online for Free

How to Teach My Kid to Read—6 STEP Online Reading Program

Because Teach Your Child to Read is a phonics-based approach to teaching a child to read, it takes a linear approach to teaching reading. The program starts by introducing the foundational concepts of reading phonetically and ends with your child reading the 10 eStorybooks to you.

The 6 Simple Steps to Reading:


First you will teach your child to pronounce the sound of each letter. (Please note: that’s sound, not name. In fact, knowing the name of each letter is not a prerequisite to learning to read, so don’t bother wasting time teaching your child the alphabet.)


STEP 2 is the fun one. In this step, your child learns to read. Once she’s learned the sound of each letter in STEP 1, she will add those sounds together to make words. You will be surprised how quickly she is able to do this! (Also, don’t worry if you don’t know how to pronounce the sounds yourself. You will be led through the entire program by an audio voice that does the pronunciation for you.)


​This step mirrors STEP 1, except instead of learning the individual sounds, your child will learn the sounds of a variety of blends (e.g., sh, ch, th). Don’t worry that your child will confuse these sounds with the ones he’s already learned. When letters are introduced in their blended format, children easily recognize them as such.


​Now that your child knows so many single and blended sounds, he will be able to read literally thousands of words. In this step you will repeat STEP 2, only this time, you will use a combination of blends and single letters.


​Learning the rule of the silent vowel can be tricky. This step may take a little longer than the others, but we use a proprietary method of teaching the silent vowel rule in Teach Your Child to Read to make it simpler for your child to understand.


​You will treasure every moment of this step as your child reads the 10 eStorybooks in the program to you. Simply illustrated and designed to support the new skills your child has learned, reading the Teach Your Child to Read storybooks is a crowning achievement for your child. (And you, too!)


Still Asking: “How to Teach My Kid to Read?”

If so, take advantage of our 7-Day Free Trial to see if our program is the right one for you. The login is easy, the instructions are easy, and the lessons are easy. Within minutes of purchasing the program, you will be ready to begin teaching your child to read. And with only a 5-minute-a-day commitment, what have you got to lose? We invite you to give us a try and see for yourself!

How to teach my kid to read in 6 easy steps.


Photo Credits: Pexels, Unsplash