One of the Simplest Phonics Reading Programs for You and Your Child

Teach Your Child to Read Mary Follin

Photography by Bailey Toksoz

Mary Follin, Founder & Developer

For three decades, I’ve been working to make sure as many children as possible have the opportunity to learn to read. I’ve worked with adults and kids, and the excitement of watching them learn is hard to describe!

Reading is fun to teach, and for most kids, easy to learn. I taught both of my (now grown) boys to read, and it was rewarding for all of us—time together we often look back on and cherish.

I want you to be able to have that with your child, too!

We all know what happens when children don’t learn to read. The outcomes are disheartening. These kids are more likely to perform poorly in school, have lower self-esteem, and exhibit more behavioral issues growing up.

They’re also more likely to drop out of school, which doesn’t bode well for a promising, fulfilling adulthood.

Sadly, according to the U.S. National Assessment of Educational Progress, two-thirds of children in the U.S. are not proficient readers.

But a child isn’t a statistic; words can’t describe the heartbreak for each of these children who will never be able to read to their kids, fill out a form on their own, or enjoy the opportunities available to them in our modern world.

Over the years, I consistently find that the parents who are using my program are those that take an active role in their children’s education. The sweet spot for learning to read is pretty short, and they want to make sure their kids don’t miss it.

In other words, I know you’re here because you’re going to make sure your child learns to read.

We now know that a direct-instruction, phonics-based approach is the best way for children to learn to read. If you don’t know phonics, don’t worry! Teach Your Child to Read is unbelievably easy to use, and my voice will guide you every step of the way.

I’ve also been able to keep the program affordable so as many families as possible are able to use it. For a one-time fee of $69.95, you can teach your child to read with phonics. Forever access and no subscription.

Have fun teaching your child to read! I promise you’ll feel good, knowing you’re giving your child two of life’s greatest gifts: the ability to read and one-on-one time with you.

Mary Follin, Founder & Developer


Mary Follin began her career as a systems engineer at IBM and has since worked in product development, market research, and marketing consulting for professional services firms. She is the creator of Teach Your Child to Read and author of Ethyr, which earned the Moonbeam Children’s Book Award.

Mary co-authors the award-winning advice column ASK MOM in Fredericksburg Parent & Family magazine and contributes regularly to Daily Mom, where she writes about children’s literacy and teaching kids to read.

Mary is grateful to all the talented individuals that have helped bring this program to fruition and keep it running smoothly: Program Developers Brian Holland, Ben McFarland, and Laura Adler; Marketing, Social Media, and SEO experts Crista Lea Kirk, and Ashanti Danaye; and Web Developer Yesha Thompson. Many more enthusiastic individuals have been part of the building process, all of whom care deeply about the wellbeing of children.

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Start teaching your child to read today!

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